Sigmund Freud Museum (Vienna)

The Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna shows in Freud's former practice and apartment an exhibition on the history of psychoanalysis and the life of Sigmund Freud.

It is located in the mountain lane 19 in the ninth district of Vienna ( Alsergrund ). Freud moved here in 1891 in a newly built house a. The hitherto -existing building, in which, among other things, Victor Adler had lived, had been demolished. 1938 had to leave because of his Jewish origin that is connected to Hitler Germany Austria and fled to London Freud.

In the rooms where he lived 47 years and wrote the majority of his writings, a documentary is now set up on his life and work. Changing special exhibitions and a collection of modern art show the influence of psychoanalysis on modern art and society.

The museum consists of Freud's former practice and a part of its former private residence. Attached to the museum is a library that represents Europe's largest research library for the Psychoanalysis of 35,000 volumes, and the Research Institute of the Sigmund Freud Foundation.

Original pieces from Freud's possession will be on display as the waiting room of the practice and parts of Freud's extensive collection of antiques. The famous couch is located in London, as well as a large part of the facility - Freud was able to take all the furniture in his emigration, it can now be seen at the Freud Museum in London. In addition to Vienna and London since 2006, there is a third museum to Sigmund Freud in Příbor (Czech Republic) - his birthplace was opened to the public.


The museum was opened in 1971 by the Sigmund Freud Society in the presence of Anna Freud. Essential role in the foundation was, inter alia, the Viennese psychoanalyst Harald Leupold - Lowenthal. In 1996, an expansion that allowed special exhibition and event space. In 2003, the museum was incorporated private foundation in the Sigmund Freud, whose chairman and director of the Museum at the same time is Inge Scholz -Strasser. From 1992 until her death in 2008, the historian Lydia Marinelli worked at the Sigmund Freud Museum.

2006, the City of Vienna brought the Berggasse 19 in the Sigmund Freud Foundation, in order to create the basis for the expansion and the opening of all inhabited areas of Freud for a museum. The actual financing of this project is still open.

Since 1970, the Sigmund Freud lecture in Vienna takes place on the 6th of May, the birthday of Freud, instead. Prominent psychoanalyst speak on a current topic. This institution was established by the Sigmund Freud Society and is now continued by the Sigmund Freud Foundation.
