
The Sigynnen are an old European ethnic group, probably of Iranian origin.

They come in Herodotus still one of the tribes of Thrace:

For Ignacy Orožen, the author of the Celska Kronika, they should have been with the Veneti and Liburniern the oldest inhabitants on the territory of the present Lower Styria and thus also in the area of Celje. Orožen brings about the name of Sigynnen an etymology of the name Pannonia, where it is based on the above: with media had Greek writer and historian, India today called (which in Herodotus but by no means the case). The Ligurian word meaning Orožen reads as " dealers" - in the " Indian language " hot dealer or merchant but panan. Orožen therefore considers that the name Pannonia come from the Sigynnen.
