Silene nutans

Nodding campion ( Silene nutans )

The Nodding campion ( Silene nutans ) is a plant of the genus Silene ( Silene ) and belongs to the carnation family ( Caryophyllaceae ). The downward sloping blossoms unfold only in the evening to attract moths.


The perennial herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth of 25 to 60 centimeters. The unbranched erect stems is hairy sticky at the top. The basal leaves of the plant form a non- flowering rosette. The basal leaves are spatulate to ovate, the stem leaves are more lanceolate. The nodding flowers are before flowering in a einseitswendigen inflorescence. The cylindrical 10 - annoying calyx is hairy 6-16 mm long and glandular. The narrow petals are white inside and outside rather light pink and deep columns. They have a length of 1.5-2.5 cm with a distinct side crown. The three stamps protrude significantly from the flower.

The plant is a typical moth flower whose blossoms open during their flowering period from May to the evening of September or in cloudy weather and disseminate an intensive hyacinth fragrance. The small cutworms uses the flower as a breeding ground. This situation is known about of yuccas (Yucca ). In the native flora but this is rare.


The species is widespread in the hot temperate zones of Europe and Western Siberia. In the Alps you can encounter them to heights of 2,500 meters. In Germany it is more common in the south. As the site dry oligotrophic grasslands, rocky meadows, small woods and forest edges are preferred. The plant is a little lime-intolerant and can be found especially on base-rich silicate rocks. As an ecological indicator values ​​according to Ellenberg the type is specified as a semi shade plant for dry lake - steppe transition to climate. The displayed soil is then uniformly dry, never highly acidic and low in nitrogen.


The Nodding Campion (also nasty Nick Catchfly ) has some synonymous terms (each with reference data):

  • Silene brachypoda Rouy - Ill. Pl Eur Rar, 4: 26, T.80 (1895 ).
  • Silene nutans subsp. glabra ( DC.) Rothm. - Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg, 67. 5 (1963 )
  • Silene nutans subsp. nutans

Sources and further information

The article is mainly based on the following documents:

  • Kremer: wildflowers, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-576-11456-4