Simon Baruch

Simon Baruch ( born July 29, 1840 in Schwersenz today Swarzędz, Poland, † June 3, 1921 in New York) was a physician and a pioneer of hydrotherapy in the United States.

Baruch came in 1855 as the age of fifteen in the United States, lived in Camden, South Carolina and graduated in 1862 to study medicine in Virginia from. He has held positions as a physician in the Confederate Army and was living in 1881 in New York. His main areas of work were there for one promoting the establishment of public baths as a hygiene measure, the other the Balneologie to explore the effect of healing springs. Further research concerned the treatment of appendicitis and malaria.

Simon Baruch was married to Belle Wolfe and father of financier Bernard Baruch and punters. In Manhattan, a middle school and a green space are named after him.
