
Sincerity ( the Aufrichtigsein ) the " useful, give inner conviction without adjustment term" and refers to a feature of personal integrity.

It is considered a virtue for those "who without any cunning and falsehood, speaks and acts whose actions and speeches entirely consistent with his disposition, is no hidden ulterior motives and hidden agendas ." Occasionally, it is also considered naive folly. Opposing concepts of sincerity are hypocrisy and cowardice.

Pierer 's Universal - Lexicon sincerity defined in 1857 as:

" The conformity of the speech and the actions on the mind; Contrast: lie ( in words) and falsehood ( in action ). But allows A. to conceal what commands to discover no esp duty, and differs from open-heartedness. "

Sincerity is one of the seven virtues of Bushido; they also ranks among the Prussian virtues. Sincerity is to delineate the courage of conviction, which means the occurrence of a conviction against a community, while sincerity refers to the behavior towards an individual.

The corresponding adjective sincere (from upright ) denotes inflexibility and Unkäuflichkeit.

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