Single Point of Failure

Under a Single Point of Failure ( SPOF short, English for about single point of failure ) is defined as a part of a technical system whose breakdown can cause the entire system by itself.

In fault-tolerant systems must be taken to ensure that all components of a system are redundant. The diversity should play a role. These systems are different structure ( for example, from different manufacturers ) for the same task are used. Thus, a simultaneous failure of multiple systems from a single base is unlikely.

As simple steps to avoid several SPOF in IT operations, you can use multiple UPS, parts of the server redundant interpret ( power supplies, and network cards) and increase the amount of the using devices sufficient.

On When connecting to multiple transformers of the power utility, the integration of cross- wiring ( several rungs ), one or more generators as power system, IT systems with multiple power supplies or the use of multiple STS ( ballasts ), the redundant HVAC and multiple hits on the terminal the company's own network ( corporate network ), one obtains a largely hedged against losses infrastructure. The next increase in availability is achieved through the use of internally hochredundanter ( fault-tolerant ) server or cluster systems. In addition, remote data centers can be used for disaster.
