Single Source Publishing

Under Single Source Publishing (also single-source edition ) was understood originally procedures to create from a source several output formats - say, with Winword macros and paragraph styles from a Winword document both print format and online formats such as Winhelp and HTML to produce.

This approach worked with simple 1:1 relationships between paragraph styles and output formatting, eg " Heading 1 ... Heading3 means the beginning of a new ( HTML/Winhelp- ) Page ( Topic ) Überschrift4 is the beginning of a Pop - Up". With simple means can be a Überschrift1 - Topic provided a table of contents with the following Heading2 - Topic and thus enable a hierarchical invocation of topics. So, for example, worked until around 2003 Doc -to -Help.

Newer concepts that rely heavily on metadata and content distinction, for example, with XML methods, meanwhile allow complex processing algorithms. In this case, the " actual document " to a collection of references to data modules, which are usually stored in a database, more and more. These data modules include content -oriented awards, quite typical with XML tags. The authoring tool "knows" so much more about the content and hence can also use powerful processing algorithms, such as database publishing. Extreme examples of such approaches are J2008 and S1000D.

The main aim of such systems is the multiple use of existing data modules. A topic, a warning, a frequently used instructions are only just kept in the database and included in the output instance if necessary.

Single source publishing is considered to be a variety of content management.
