Single-subject rule

The principle of unity of matter is an institution of the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation. He says that between the individual parts of a proposal submitted to an objective there must exist.


The principle of unity of matter intended to ensure that " the voters can form and express their political will freely and genuinely ." Would the citizens forced on several issues at a time with a single " Yes " or "No" to take a position, this would require a disability represent your political rights. the same applies to the opposite case, when a change in the laws of matter should be enforced by salami tactics.

Legal regulation

Explicit provisions of the principle of the unity of matter for the partial revision of the Federal Constitution in this itself He is widely accepted and can be found for example at cantonal level ( for example, Article 59 para 2 lit. C of the Constitution of the canton of Bern or § 22 para 3 lit. b of the canton of Lucerne ).
