
Sinosol is a company based in Stuttgart German - Chinese companies in the solar industry.

Field of activity

Sinosol is a photovoltaic system wholesalers with offices in Germany, Italy and China. The company designs, installs, operates and maintains photovoltaic power plants. You can generate comparative advantages over networks in the two home markets of Germany and China. Sinosol AG shares O.N. listed in 2012 with the addition of N. A.

In the three-member board of the company in 2011 Kurt Ochner sat as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Ulrich Hemel as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Rongzhang Li


  • 7.5 MWp solar park " north village" in Augsburg, Germany, 16 ha
  • 3.3 MWp solar park " Breitenau " community Obernzenn, Germany, 7 ha
  • 15 MWp solar park " Almeria ", Spain, 30 ha
  • Off-grid system, street lighting in Beijing
  • Off-grid system, sailboat MiniTrans 650, 1 95 Wp module for operation of the autopilot
  • Off-grid system Roter Sand lighthouse, self-sufficient supply of 360 Wp; Location: North Sea