Sirdaryo Province

The Sirdaryo Province ( Uzbek: Sirdaryo Viloyati, Сирдарё вилояти ) is a Viloyat (Province ) in the east of Uzbekistan. It borders on the left bank of the Syr Darya and therefore Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan, the Tashkent Province and the province Jizzax. The area of ​​the province is 5100 km ² and consists mostly of desert and steppe. Approximately 671,000 inhabitants live in the province Sirdaryo.

The climate is characterized continental. Mild, wet winters and dry, hot summers alternate.


The Sirdaryo Province was established on February 16, 1963, its capital was until 1964 Yangiyer. Previously, there was, under the Russian tsars, a Syrdarya Oblast.


The Sirdaryo province is divided into 9 administrative districts. The cities Baxt, Guliston, Sirdaryo, Shirin and Yangiyer are cycle-free. The capital Guliston has 66 899 inhabitants.


The largest industry is agriculture. It is based on the cultivation of cotton and grain. Controversial, however, is the use of students in collecting the cotton. Agriculture is dependent on irrigation. As everywhere in Uzbekistan is the tube processing of cotton also running locally. The second largest industry is cattle breeding. Here dominated the breeding of fat-tailed sheep and cows. In addition, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, tomatoes, corn and fruits, such as grapes, grown. Industry is rare to find. The city Guliston has a metal and precious metal processing factory and is dependent on this state institution. The city Shirin originated with the construction of a power plant. This power plant is to deliver in a position at a full capacity of 300 MW × 12. The Syr Darya river has with the largest hydroelectric plant in Uzbekistan, which ensures one-third of the electricity demand of Uzbekistan.
