Sistema de Informações da República Portuguesa

Sistema de Informações da República Portuguesa ( SIRP ) is the most important news service of Portugal. It was founded in 1984. Sistema de Informações da República Portuguesa is the overriding authority of the Serviço de Informações de security scheme, which is responsible for intelligence operations within the country and the Serviço de Informações Estratégicas de Defesa, which is responsible for military reconnaissance.


It is the successor organization to the Polícia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado ( PIDE ) under the dictator António de Oliveira Salazar. PIDE was a secret police and was directly controlled by him. Nominally, he was assigned to the Ministry of Justice. PIDE was renamed the Directorate- Geral de Segurança Serviço de Informações de security scheme (DGS ) in 1968. DGS was repealed in 1974. Because of the PIDE / DGS activity lasted the creation of a new intelligence agency more than a decade that a civilian intelligence agency was founded. After the assassination of a representative of the PLO in the Socialist International in 1983, a terrorist attack on the Turkish Embassy, the Portuguese government saw it as a necessity to establish a new intelligence service.

  • Intelligence Services organization
  • Policy ( Portugal)