
The word situation designates the location or position that bondage to conditions or circumstances, but also ( psychologically ) the quality or efficacy of a defined or ( clear) bounded region or area.

Word of the origin and use

Situation comes from the Latin situs, location, status, location ', but borrowed until the late 16th century as a foreign word in meaning geographical location, map, area from the French. In German, this is concrete meaning except in the technical language now obsolete and located only in the form of Partizipaladjektivs, namely Located in use (see accident situation ).

Today, the term situation includes the environment, and in which someone or under a project or thing is made ​​and who makes the possibilities of doing or suffering as a concrete conditions and limit the general well-being in an environment where a connection or dependence ( z. B. dilemma constraint, plight ).

Situation is always " situation ... ". Although the situation without explicit reference is called on a subject, it is one of situated on (, -altitude, Exposed, Affected ') related. It is the time, place, or personal- existential context of specific situations in which the Situierte stands. Thus one speaks of as well off, if you describe a beautiful local situation, but also prosperity.

The adjective situational, as related to a specific situation, there is also a tendency to spontaneous: Some decisions are situational, that is position adapted from the concrete circumstances out decided.


In philosophy, the situation is an important concept about Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers, Kierkegaard and Sartre or the Situationists. By the term existentialism was a subjective coloring. Situation affects the people in the world. In contrast, the term describes a situation more objectively existing context. Also in the phenomenology of Husserl are important considerations for the concept of situation exists.

Philosophy of Science

In psychology, CF Graumann used to describe the concept of situation around the perspectivity of perception. Human perception represents only a part of the world, focuses on the world. This section is largely determined by the state and the motivation of the subject. Graumann developed this model by reference to concepts derived from gestalt psychology and wholeness. This psychology emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction to the more scientifically oriented psychology in the late 19th century prevailing doctrine was.

Stanley Milgram pointed out in the 1970s with his research the importance of the situation at the conclusion of attitude towards the personality theory as a background of behavioral sequences. Not only with the experiments on obedience and his refusal, too ( for example ) with the studies on the social situation in urban or rural idyll he did basic research carried out, which included a new meaning to the situation in bringing about human behavior. In this issue he sees basically a contrast of situation and personality. The situation can be so strong and compelling that she decides realized what behavior the man - not the personality ( or character ) ( see below).

The sociology discovered especially in the 1960s, the concept of situation for themselves. It ties it to both the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the life philosophy Wilhelm Dilthey, and to the Graumannsche psychology of perspectivity. The term situation and, in the 1980s, because subsequent empirical research situation, had the aim of analyzing industrially organized work processes.

Individual Subjects


Geographical situation: it is the origin of the technical term and means something like embedding in a region or landscape, so the spatial environment of an object of the earth's surface, such as a building or a city. Of situated is a geographic object, situation, the spatial context of the topographical situations in which the object is located.

The mapping between different terrain ( the earth's surface as such) and situation ( the objects on it). In mining, one speaks of the situation plan - a representation of the location of certain points on the mountain surface to commonly known, immutable objects are measured.


Economic situation: of situated is a business entity, situation is the context of the facts, which interact with it.

The social situation as a factor of economic policy involves both economic and family circumstances eg.


Social situation in terms of the situational analysis in sociology is to be distinguished from the economic term, this short-term social processes are studied, such as under the aspects of social role.

Living situation: situatedness is a person, situation is the context of their living conditions; in common parlance the above material or social factors are mainly addressed can vary greatly during the emotional situation thereof (eg, rich, yet sad or depressed people)


The psychological concept of situation can be defined as the set of conditions that are psychologically effective, for example in the realization of certain feelings, thought processes and behaviors. Psychological situations can be arranged but hardly manageable or very complex.

One must assume that, eg, the doer or thinker not all the terms that are relevant as for acts also must be aware of. So you could distinguish between conscious and non -conscious conditions.

Distinguish also could be between psychological conditions ( = conditions that are associated with a particular structure of the personality, someone is eg performance requirements less motivated as a different person ) and external conditions that affect the mind: for example, group situation, work pressure, understanding of the caregiver, room temperature, etc.

The analysis of the psychological situation is a very complex undertaking, as a rule. Psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors, teachers and educators in their work on the other good advice when they perceive the structure of situations as precisely as possible and in terms of their professional activity rate ( can ). An excellent example of the methodology of such analysis provides the structure of conflict analysis by Dieter Betz. An elderly structuring approach is the field theory of Kurt Lewin.

The sum of the situations a person - in the course of life - experienced, perceived or processed or must be processed, is something like the track or the end result of socialization, which makes up a human being. Where, as mentioned above, is very difficult to hold structures of situations to describe or structurally compare. Nevertheless, it can be said that different situation strands ( sequence of situations ) have different effects on different people.

The importance of the situation and conditions in the realization of the behavior planning or the realized behavior is assessed in psychology (depending on the psychological foundations or assumptions ) are very different. A recent situation approach favors Stanley Milgram, for example in his studies / experiments on obedience and his refusal. Milgram explicitly concludes that the situation may be stronger than an even more stable character; In other words: If pressure is exerted strong pressure on someone, he can also act against his personal principles ( personality ). Thus, the dominance of the situation in relation to the personality structures would be obvious. A generalization but, according to which the situation in principle in the realization of the behavior of a stronger role than the personality, is not commensurate with safety. Can be critically scrutinize course, whether the preference of personality theories in relation to the situation approach is a fair summary on the background of our culture.


Parent families and to parents are in an educational situation, which is characterized by many details - for example,

  • From education or training level of the educator or his previous experience
  • Of the personality structure of the parent
  • Of the current motivation of the educator
  • Of the mental and cognitive constitution of the child / young
  • Of different environments and situational circumstances ( situational context).

The nature of the education situation has consequences for the success of education (short and long term). The changes in the psyche and cognition of the child are the resultants of countless educational situations ( Developmental Psychology ).

But the changes of the educator during his educational activity can be detected (compare: the educator / teacher at the beginning of its activity ↔ experienced educator ) and equally dependent on education situations, even if this situation actually plays little role in scientific and practiced pedagogy. Difficult situations have different effects on the parents as situations that are easy to work with and often successful.

According to most educators view education situations are designed. Design is one of the most important tasks of the parents. The design of the education situation is mainly used to optimize the education result in the child / adolescent. So cheap educational situations can be distinguished from less favorable; where " low " means: suitable to achieve the best possible learning effect in the child / young person (learning, learning process ). Very many educators deal with these contexts, since it is the responsibility of educational institutions to optimally support children / young people (see Reinhard and Anne Marie Exchange: Educational Psychology ).

Is not satisfactory or satisfactory the result of education, you can make it formal, inter alia, unfavorable situational conditions or design details responsible. But it can be learned also: What can you do better in the future and how can education make situations favorable? For example, the role of parental care in education at different times is quite different seen and judged (see also attachment theory ).

Not without a doubt can be the result of a process of education, one could formulate it appropriate to infer the structure of the previous situations.

Literature and Language

Situation comedy is a kind of humor that relate to a present - refers perceptible location - more than one person. Outside of its frame or for outsiders it remains may or mostly incomprehensible. It 's hard (or hardly ) reproducible.

In stage works to separate the "lighter" situation comedy from the "serious" character comedy.

Also situation drama is set against a narrative form the character drama: The former develops out of the situation, the latter follows a strict narrative concept.
