
When Skeireins [ ski ː ʀi ː ns] (singular ) is a Gothic interpretation of the Gospel of John the Wulfilabibel that is on eight sheets later Latin overwritten manuscripts (Codex Vaticanus Latinus Ambrosianus E and 5750 ) fragmentarily preserved. The original name is unknown, the present name was given the Skeireins in the 19th century by the Gothic word skeireins 'explanation', actually a short form of the name skeireins aiwaggeljons þairh Iohannen (translated explanation of the Gospel of John), under which the fragments were first published. The Skeireins forms the most extensive and so important Gothic text after the Wulfilabibel; whether it is a translation from the Greek or Latin or an original Gothic work, has not yet been clarified.


  • Wilhelm Streit Mountain: The Skeireins. In: Wilhelm Streit Berg ( ed.): The Gothic Bible. Volume 1: The Gothic text and its Greek original. With introduction, readings and source evidence as well as the smaller monuments as an attachment. 7th edition with a supplement of Piergiuseppe Scardigli. C. Winter, Heidelberg 2000, ISBN 3-8253-0745- X, ( Germanistische library 3 ), pp. 456-471.
  • William H. Bennett: The Gothic commentary on the Gospel of John. Skeireins aiwaggeljons þairh iohannen. The Modern Language Association of America, New York NY 1960 ( The Modern Language Association of America Monograph series 21, ZDB - ID 995376-0 ).
  • Christian T. Petersen ( ed.): Gotica Minora. Miscellanea de lingua ulfilae collecta. Syllabus, Hanau 2002, ISBN 3-935869-01-0.