
Sladenia celastrifolia, Illustration

The Sladeniaceae are a plant family of the order of the heather -like ( Ericales ) with two genera and three species.


There are evergreen trees. The alternate arranged leaves are simple. The leaf margin serrate or toothed. Stipules are not available.

The flowers are in axillary inflorescences zymösen. The small (less than 5 mm long ), hermaphroditic flowers are radial symmetry and usually fünfzählig. They have a double perianth. There are five free sepals and petals free or intergrown available. The flowers contain ten to fifteen free, fertile stamens. Three carpels are fused to a constant above, syncarp nodes; There are three pen available.

In Sladenia fruits are formed with winged seeds.

Systematics and distribution

You have a disjoint area only in the Paläotropis: in the subtropics and tropics: in Yunnan (China), Burma, Thailand and eastern Africa.

The family name Sladeniaceae ( Gilg & Werdermann ) Airy Shaw, was published in 1964 by Airy Shaw in Kew Bull, 18, pp. 267. Today incorporated herein species were formerly in the Theaceae as subfamily Sladenioideae (eg Gilg & Werdermann 1925, Hutchinson 1959, Takhtajan 1997) classified. Within the order of the Ericales Pentaphylacaceae are related to the Sladeniaceae the next. The relationships are also confirmed in APG III.

The Sladeniaceae family consists of only two genera with three species:

  • Ficalhoa Hiern: Is native to eastern Africa. With fused petals. With only one type: Ficalhoa laurifolia Hiern
  • Sladenia celastrifolia Short: This widespread species occurs in the overall distribution of the genus.
  • Sladenia integrifolia YMShui: This endemic species occurs only in forests at altitudes 1000-1300 meters in Jinping in the Chinese province of Yunnan before.


  • The Sladeniaceae on the APWebsite family. (English )
  • The Sladeniaceae at DELTA, only with the genus Sladenia family. (English )
  • Tianlu Min & Bruce Bartholomew: description in the Flora of China, Volume 12, 2007, p 364, there only with the genus Sladenia. (English )
  • PF Stevens & AL Weitzman: Sladeniaceae, in: Klaus Kubitzki (Editor): The families and genera of vascular plants, Volume 6, 2004, Flowering plants, Dicotyledons: Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales, pp. 431-433, Springer Verlag.