Slavko Å timac

Slavko Štimac ( Serbian Cyrillic Славко Штимац; * October 15, 1960 in Konjsko Brdo pri Perušić, Lika in SR Croatia, Yugoslavia ) is a Serbian actor. He was known already in the 1970s by numerous children and youth roles.

He played his first major role in Emir Kusturica's Life is a Miracle ( 2004). There Štimac played the main role Luka, a slightly eccentric dreamers who plans amidst the turmoil of the disintegrating state of Yugoslavia to rebuild a railway line as a tourist attraction. Already nine years previously was Slavko Štimac in Underground (also by Kusturica ) to be seen. In 1977 he played in the international film occupy Steiner - the role of a Soviet child soldiers, which was taken up by the Germans, the Iron Cross.
