The intra Thiam Sporter 1 (TC1, THTR1 ) is that protein in the cell membrane of cells in all eukaryotes, which allows the introduction of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the cell. It is a transport protein which is highly specific, so only transported thiamine. In humans, can be found TC1 in all tissue types, especially much TC1 but have skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. TC1 is encoded by the SLC19A2 gene. Mutations in this gene can lead to lack of TC1, and this a form of megaloblastic anemia ( Rogers syndrome).

The catalyzed transport equilibrium is:

Since the symport is dependent on the proton gradient, is usually only a sense of equilibrium, namely the inward encountered.

The TC1 homologs of the domestic cat (Felis silvestris ) is the receptor for feline leukemia virus FeLV -A the.
