Slidr River

Slidur, also Slid or Slidr ( Old Norse Slidr 'dangerous' ) is a river flowing through the underworld in Norse mythology and is mentioned in the Edda (see List of rivers in the song Grímnismál ).


According to the Völuspá (, The seeress prophecy ') comes from the Slidur Gifttal, flows eastward through the world of Hel and leads daggers and swords with them.

" A current circulates eastward through valleys pus Mud and swords, the Slidur means. "

According to the Gylfaginning in the Snorra Edda springs Slidur the source Hvergelmir in Niflheim. In Grímnismál Hvergelmir is the source of Slidur, but situates around here Valhalla.
