
Slivovitz is the common name for a fruit brandy made from plums. The name is derived from the Slavic word for plum Sliwa. Other common names are: Slivovitz, Slivovic, Slivovitz, Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian šljivovica or шљивовица, Slovak slivovica, Slovenian slivovka, Czech slivovice, sliwowica Polish, Hungarian slivovica or sligovica, Bulgarian сливова or сливовица / slivoviza.

Situation in Serbia

The plum brandy is in Serbia 's national drink, some 70 % annually harvested plums or around 424 300 tons are processed for its production. The minimum alcohol content of 37.5 percent by volume. In general, burns the šljivovica at 47 percent. After distillation of fruit brandy is often stored in oak barrels.

Among Serbs is also the " Sumadija tea " known as the mulled wine is similar in winter to warm up the body felt. Here, the plum brandy boiled with sugar and drink hot.

Slivovitz is available in two colors:

  • Gold - stored in barrels, yellowish in color and flavored by the wood from which the barrels were produced.
  • White - stored in bottles, colorless. However, may have been discolored, of which due mitgebrannter cores or pieces.

Also, it is important what type of wood used for the barrels. Mostly oak barrels, where locust barrels are highly preferable, as these give the liquor a very special yellow color. In Serbia, the plum brandy is also preferably stored from the wood of the mulberry tree in barrels.

Situation in other countries

In the Moravian part of the Czech Republic applies the specified therein as Slivovice drink as well as in Slovakia ( Slivovica ) as the national drink. Due to this popularity of the drink can be found especially in rural areas, many bootleggers. Similarly, the sliwowica is in the southeast of Poland, especially around the town Wiesdorf in New characrterized, very common. With up to 70 % alcohol which is one of the toughest sliwowica spirits at all. Also in Styria Slivovitz is produced.

Similar drinks

  • Zwetschgenwasser
  • Klekovača, one flavored with juniper berries Slivovitz