
  • Constructed language plan language Regional plan language


Art ( other constructed languages)

Slovianski (also known as Medžuslovjanski, " Interslawisch " ) is a Slavic language plan that was developed by a group of Slavonic studies from different countries, led by the Dutch linguist Jan van Steenbergen in 2006. Development was carried out with the aim to facilitate communication between speakers of different Slavic languages ​​and people, yet do not speak a Slavic language, with the opportunity to communicate with the Slavs. Both the grammar and the vocabulary are completely based on the similarities between the Slavic languages ​​. Unlike Slovio, a Slavic but also schematically structured constructed language whose grammar is largely based on Esperanto, which Slovianski is a naturalistic language that does not have artificial elements. The developers of language assume that 90 % of the Slavs Slovianski could understand without previous learning. Slovianski is written both in Latin and in the Cyrillic alphabet.


The vocabulary of Slovianski based on the comparison of the vocabulary of modern Slavic languages ​​, which were divided into six groups for:

  • Polish
  • Czech and Slovak
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian and Belorussian
  • Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian
  • Bulgarian and Macedonian

Sample text

The Lord's Prayer:
