Smoothtooth blacktip shark

Straight tooth blacktip shark (Carcharhinus leiodon )

The smooth tooth blacktip shark (Carcharhinus leiodon ) is a species of the genus Carcharhinus within the requiem sharks ( Carcharhinidae ). He is so far known only by catching a male animal in the Gulf of Aden. There is a small shark, the holotype had a total length of about 75 centimeters. Like all species of the animals have five gill slits and have no spray hole.

Way of life

Over the life of the species is not known. He probably eats like all other species of the genus of predatory fish and invertebrates. Also, he is probably viviparous and forms a yolk sac placenta ( placental viviparous ).


For the smooth tooth blacktip (C. leiodon ) affiliation was discussed at the former genus of sharks night because of tooth shape. He is probably in the relationship of the Atlantic Nachthais ( C signatus ), the Pondicherryhais (C. hemiodon ) and the Hartnasenhais (C. macloti ) to classify.
