Sobekhotep VIII.

Sobekhotep VIII was an Egyptian king of the Second Intermediate Period. Certainly it is known only from two monuments. He appears in the so-called King List of Karnak and by him was found a stele in Karnak, dating in its fourth year of reign. The stele is of particular interest because it mentions a flood in the Temple of Karnak and has the care of the ruler to the temple on the topic:

" Sobekhotep, lover of the great Hapi ( the Nile inundation ), which gives eternal life. In the fourth year of the reign of the days of the fourth month of the season Schemu that Heriu - renpet that persist under the auspices of this God for ever: His Majesty went into the hall of this temple to watch the great flood. His Majesty came into the hall of the temple, which was full of water. His Majesty they waded through ... "

A chronology of the ruler within the second interval is not yet possible. Usually it is set in the 13th Dynasty. Kim Ryholt sees him as a ruler of the 16th Dynasty, which he defines as thebanisch. After Ryholt it also appears in the Turin Royal Canon, which, however, only Sechemre ... is obtained, which in turn is a member of throne names of several rulers of the second interim.
