Sobhuza II.

King Sobhuza II (* July 22, 1899; † 21 August 1982) was from 1899 to 1968, the Supreme Chief of Swaziland, Swaziland after independence from Britain he ruled the country until 1982 when King.

At the age of four months, the son of Nggwane V. was proclaimed ruler; his grandmother Labotsibeni Gwamile Mdluli took over the regency. She gave him dominion on 22 December 1921. Swaziland When was released on 6 September 1968 in independence from Great Britain, he was directed against the liberal constitutional approach of the British. After 1973, the party Ngwane National liberatory Congress had received three of the 24 seats, he called a state of emergency, Parliament and all parties abolished, and ruled as an absolute ruler. He died at his palace in Embo State House in Lobamba.

Counting his teenage years with, he was 83 years long king and had the longest tenure of all historically backed rulers. His wife Dzeliwe followed him as regent.
