Social character

With social character or society character ( social character), a fundamental concept of analytical social psychology of Erich Fromm, the social formation of the character structure of the people of a society, a social environment or a reference group according to their way of life and society typical expectations and functional requirements is meant with regard to socially adapted behavior.

While the individual character denotes the unique richness of character structure of an individual, with the social character of the people of a society meant common socially significant core structure of character that causes people with the sense of freedom the expected social responsibilities regarding work and interaction, education and to meet consumption. In this sense, the social character is identical to the Modalpersönlichkeit or basic personality. He acquired much in the family as " Agency of society." The social character created by Fromm in the interaction of socio-economic structure of society and of mental structure and makes it possible to use the human energies as social productive force. Currently vorfindbare expressions of the social nature include the authoritarian character of marketing character, the necrophiliac character and the narcissistic character. Transformations of the social character go towards increasing flexibility and multiple options, but also reduced binding ability. In addition, regressive, materialistic consumerist, hedonistic, experimentalist, post- materialist and productive orientations are found, suggesting an increasingly class-specific differentiation in the development of social character. Today, the social character is especially marked by the so-called anonymous authorities ( mass media, fashion, public opinion ). A special role is played by television in shaping the social character. Again and again, lifestyle- related new class-specific variants of the social character are described, such as LOHAS.

Erich Fromm emphasizes the social needs that must be followed in a given society by the society members. In order for a society functions adequately, its members must acquire a character that puts them in a position to do what they need to do. In a rigidly structured society is as expected from the people that they are highly motivated and studious, their time and energy to invest in the work that they subordinate themselves to a hierarchy and selflessly fulfill the zoom worn them instructions. In the permissive consumer society, however, a character and activity structure is required, which causes people to like and consume extensively.

Thus, the character structure of every person is to the effect aligned so that it can fulfill the expectations put to him quasi voluntarily in the respective company. He developed traits that distinguishes it from people who live in other societies. With this viewing direction, Fromm does not indicate the peculiarities interested by the individuals differ from each other, but he asks about the similarities that are apparent in the psychological reactions of the members of a reference group, and examines the part of their character structure of most of the members of this group have in common. This common core in the character referred to Fromm as a social character. The shaping of the social character takes place in most societies at the expense of spontaneity and freedom of the individual society member.

A similar, differing therefrom concept later developed by Pierre Bourdieu to the sociological concept of habitus.
