Social software


Coates describes social software as "software did supports, extends, or DERIVES added value from human social behavior. " The wide range of social software applications can be structured in different ways. Schmidt (p. 5) leads to structure, for example, three basic functions of the use of social software to:

  • Information Management: Enabling of finding, evaluating and managing ( available on-line ) information.
  • Identity management: enabling the representation of aspects of himself on the internet.
  • Relationship Management: To enable mapping contacts to maintain, and making new ones.

On this consideration of the application areas it also builds a definition for the term social software ". Social software are supporting such Internet-based applications, information, identity and relationship management in the (partial ) public hypertextual and social networks " (Jan Schmidt: p 2) )

Ehms distinguishes four overarching orientations on the use of social software. These orientations are reflected in the technical functionalities of typical platforms. Usually arise during prolonged use mixed forms of main directions:

  • Information Management
  • Collaboration (understood as closely )
  • Communication
  • Networking and identity management

With the use of social software it came as with other forms of communication to community conventions (eg language codes such as emoticons, formal recommendations and technical standards ) to subgroup formation with group's own standards (eg netiquette ) and political or legal control and monitoring experiments.


Social Software can be divided into the following classes of applications:



The policy provides social software communication tools to work with the citizens in a direct dialogue to occur, carry out campaigns and mobilize voters. The political scientist Karl -Rudolf Korte sees in the new opportunities for participation a great chance to change the political decision-making in a democracy and the legitimacy of parties and politicians fundamentally.


Since social software the federal government believes will provide the ideal platform for the communication of Islamist and terrorist networks, in early 2007, the Joint Information Center ( formerly " Internet Monitoring and Analysis Centre " ) of the security agencies was established to address the risks to public safety. Employees of the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution ( BFV ), the Federal Criminal ( BKA), the German Federal Intelligence Service ( BND), the Military Abschirmdiensts (MAD ) and the attorney general ( GBA) carry evidence in favor of a preparation of attacks, targeted together and evaluate them under the assistance of other data.

At the Ministerial Meeting of G8 Justice and Interior Ministers in late May 2009, it was suggested that the cooperation between the countries with the United Nations and Interpol to strengthen social networks for control.
