Social welfare provision

Unemployment assistance is a social transfer payments in Austria.

After drawing unemployment benefits, which can be obtained only for a certain period, you can apply for emergency assistance when there is an emergency. Unemployment assistance is obtained after examination by the public employment service, the longest for 52 weeks and then a new application must be submitted. Emergency assistance can be obtained indefinitely with repetitive motions. Emergency assistance must be applied for the Employment Service.


The level of unemployment assistance is usually 95% of the amount of unemployment benefit if the basic daily amount of unemployment benefits no longer than 1/ 30 of the equalization supplement reference rate of the General Social Security Act (2009: 772.40 euros ) is. Under basic amount is understood to be 55 % of the daily net income, which is determined from the average insurable gross income of the most recent calendar year. In determining the amount of the income of the spouse ( spouse) is considered as well as additional income from their own work. In addition, there are also family allowance. Any change in the economic conditions must therefore be reported immediately.

When additional income for unemployment assistance in principle subject to the same provisions as for unemployment benefits in the social welfare but will be offset each other income, for example, income from rental and leasing, donations or gifts. Basically, however, must, as in the design of additional earnings for unemployment benefit, in the case of wage income and even permanent income, the applicable tax bill be used. Precisely because the calculation of the additional earnings can be complicated and inscrutable in individual cases. Not least because of the time delays that occur due to subsequent tax bills.

Special regulations apply to:

  • Disability
  • Illness in the family
  • Expenses on the occasion of pregnancy or childbirth
  • Expenses on the occasion of a death in the family
  • Repayment obligations on loans due to formation of a new household or purchase an apartment


Emergency assistance is granted indefinitely. The grant period is, however, each no longer than 52 weeks. Thereafter, a new application must be submitted.


A person receiving unemployment assistance wrongly, can be prosecuted for aggravated fraud for fraud and from 3000 € damage. The rasa continued increase of social assistance beneficiaries in recent years is a symptom of structural unemployment and long term unemployment, but also a sign of abuse. -5 % Of social assistance beneficiaries are barriers imposed annually at about 3%. Especially in Vienna, it is practice to leave social assistance in cases of emergency assistance. In Vienna, the abuse is less often sanctioned, so that the receiver circuit is above average there. Thus, the City of Vienna transfers the load to the unemployment insurance, because for social assistance must be the City of Vienna for emergency assistance but the covenant to pay.
