
Social rank is an approach to assess the relevance of a person in a community. The basis for the calculation of the mapping of the underlying social structure as a social network that members (nodes) and their relationships (edges) modeled as a graph. The social rank then assigns each node to a numerical weighting to express the relative importance or influence of this node or this person on the network.

An approach to the calculation of the social rank is a superposition of the consideration received by the person himself, and the social rank of their neighbors in the network. This is defined analogous to Google's PageRank algorithm:


  • Is the social rank of individual
  • Is an individual that has a relationship
  • Is the total number of contacts, which has
  • D is a weighting factor with
  • Is the direct attention that it learns from the Community

Social rank is useful to describe communication networks such as email or instant messaging, but it is particularly suitable for the analysis of users of Web 2.0 services such as Contact management portals.

  • Net culture
  • Social Sciences index