Société mathématique de France

The Société mathématique de France ( SMF) is the French mathematician society. It was developed by Michel Chasles ( the first president ) founded in 1872 and in 1888 officially recognized (they are a non-profit company in the legal form of the Association loi de 1901). In her first volume of the Bulletin de la SMF published statutes they explain the Advancement of Science and the pure and applied mathematics to their destination.

Office of the Company is the Institute Henri Poincaré, Rue Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris 11. They also have a branch in Marseille for the storage and distribution of their publications. You have your own mathematical center, comparable to the German Oberwolfach, the CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques ) in Luminy in southern France ( where also a campus of the University of the Mediterranean Aix -Marseille II ) with a library of 70,000 volumes ( 2008). There are annually organizes about 50 international conferences and organizes summer schools.

The Company has no large annual conference, but meet on a Sunday in mid-July to Journée Annuelle, which takes place in Paris and outside Paris every two years and provides some lectures on selected topics each year. They also organize regular on special topics sessions de la Recherche (often in its series Panoramas et Syntheses published) and conferences with other national and international mathematicians companies such as the Canadian, Spanish, Italian or American (AMS ) or the SMAI ( Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielle ), which was founded in 1983 the French equivalent of the U.S. SIAM.

The company publishes, among others, the Bulletin de la SMF (since 1873), the Gazette des Mathématiciens ( their general membership magazine), the Revue d' Histoire des Mathématiques ( since 1995), the Annales scientifiques de l' ENS ( Ecole Normale Superieure ) and give out the ranks Mémoires de la SMF ( since 1964, monographs ) and astérisque ( since 1973, monographs, conference proceedings, Bourbaki seminars). You give out too Collected Works of mathematicians and, for example, reprints of Bourbaki seminars.

Since the presidency of Jean -Pierre Bourguignon in the 1990s, they devote themselves also reinforced the popularization of mathematics and awarded since 1984 for the Prix d' Alembert ( for works that draw public attention to mathematics ) and the Prix Anatole Decerf ( of Mathematics Education). 2001, the SMF had about 2000 members.
