Society for the Prevention of Calling Sleeping Car Porters "George"

The Society for the Prevention of Calling Sleeping Car Porters " George " ( SPCSCPG ) was an organization founded by sleeper ticket collectors in the United States to combat the derogatory and racist practice, all conductor regardless of its actual name "George" to call. It was founded in 1914 by George W. Dulany.

This refers to George Pullman, and he founded the Pullman Company, which produced a large part of the North American sleeping car and business. Since the conductor were mostly African- Americans, the custom was applied to them to name slaves after the name of their owner.

1926 reached the Society that Pullman sleeping car in every installed a sign with the attendants and waiters competent. Of the approximately 12,000 employees, the Pullman had at that time, were called only 362 with its own first or last name "George".

The company had claims to be up to 31,000 members, including King George V of Great Britain, the American baseball player George Herman "Babe" Ruth and the French politician Georges Clemenceau.
