Society of American Historians

The Society of American Historians (SAH ) is a company founded in 1939 to promote the science of history and especially historical publications with literary sophistication for a wider audience. Among the founders belonged to Allan Nevins, who was also the 1946-1961 President. Office of the Company is New York City. Membership is by invitation only.

In 1954, she founded the American Association for State and Local History, the magazine American Heritage ( first editor was Bruce Catton ).

They awarded various prizes for outstanding historical publications on American history: the Francis Parkman Prize, Allan Nevins Prize ( for dissertations), the Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. Award, the Bruce Catton Prize for Lifetime Achievement in Historiograpie and the James Fenimore Cooper Prize for historical fiction.

More Douglas Southall Freeman was President ( 1939-1944 ), Barbara Tuchman, James M. McPherson, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Walter Lord, Eric Foner, William Leuchtenburg.
