
As sociolect or minority language at varieties are referred to in sociolinguistics, which are brought about by a particular group (eg, age group) or generally based on social factors.

Group languages ​​differ from the vernacular and the high-level language program that allows their terms are clearly indicated, but usually can only be understood within the respective group or used. In this respect, any technical language, is a group language, namely the group of relevant experts. Also, grammar and intonation may differ.

Although sociolects have traditionally been regarded as a special case of dialects, it is nowadays often also the reverse path and expects the dialects to the sociolects. Actually, however, are all dialects of a language associated with varieties that you (vertical) can classify both geographically (horizontal) as well as social factors. Thereafter, both the standard language and the vernacular would be in a certain shape dialects ( in particular sociolects ).

Group profiles inside and outside

Within a total society exist diverse groups with specific group goals, developed a standard system and a resulting feeling of "we ". A group language allows the group a shared history to share among themselves and characterizes communicative action. A continuous practice is a condition for a longer period of existence. The group membership is expressed by badges and signals from both non-linguistic ( work clothes, garb, etc.) as well as linguistic kind. Most important are those with the strongest differentiation power and the most recognizable.

Group diversity and heterogeneity metalinguistic

Group profiles are only in contrast " We - the other" conceivable. It requires a holistic collective: the overall language. " Languages ​​in the language" ( examples: secret languages ​​, professional languages ​​, hunter language, etc.)

A sociologically homogeneous and comprehensive theory of groups is difficult to formulate; they would have to topographic aspects (local groups), age-specific aspects ( youth groups ), subject-specific groups ( expert groups ), and the overall social value system ( contra groups) include. The same part of languages ​​can be registered under different group declarations. There is contact between both groups and as well as the existence of an individual active in several groups (from monoculture to multiculture ). Group overcomes boundaries mediation types are necessary. The language proficiency of all members of society and all groups presents itself as the default language. Compared to her all the others languages ​​are logically group languages.

Commonalities and particularities

On the basis of the event to the group formation can create two prototypes for differentiation:

  • Jargon - Features: Cognitive aspects of knowledge through technical terms, verschriftlicht.
  • Special language - Features: Social Aspects, community together, almost verbally.

The advantage of group language is deliberately exclude non- related by coding. The recoding of Lexemformen takes place through New semantization association of rich content, this is a characteristic of the speech distortion.

In the course of cultural history was often a mixed language specialists and special language. An example of this is the language of hunters, professional specialization of knowledge ( for third parties ) and on the other hand creates a civil linguistic content of exclusivity. Although a technical language denies deliberately insulating characteristics of language use, but the example of the alchemists, or the way they are dealt in our time with company secrets, the importance of technical language as " jargon ".

The social unit of the actors. Group language between business and professional community

The social contact between professional actors leads to community-based language shares. So the craft language, for example, at the same time technical language and the language of the community. It is undisputed that common knowledge and verbalization also act stiftend group. The term " professional language" can be summed up this specialist and special language.

The third prototype

The third prototype can group languages ​​of parties, religious groups, political groups and interpret the like. The group focus on stability, but with the aim of propagating the group members through public relations. Language serves the direct contact between group gift designers and enthusiasts.

Deficit hypothesis

Important research areas of sociolinguistics are the specific usage of social classes and the occurrence of language barriers. In his deficit hypothesis Basil Bernstein distinguishes between restringiertem and elaboriertem language code. Criticism heard Bernstein's hypothesis on the part of the U.S. socio-linguistics of the 1970s, led by William Labov.

Examples of group languages

Some group languages ​​stand out particularly clearly from the vernacular. Here would be mentioned, among other things:

  • Argot (originally beggars and crooks language of medieval France)
  • Bergmann language
  • Education jargon
  • Computer gaming jargon
  • Drug jargon
  • Printer language ( in Germany hardly any)
  • Prison jargon
  • Secret languages
  • Graffiti jargon
  • Hip -hop lingo
  • Hunter language (see a Jägerlatein )
  • Jenischhaus
  • Youth language
  • German lawyers
  • Language of Canaan
  • Command languages ​​- such as the military
  • Lunfardo
  • Manic
  • Masematte
  • Matt English
  • Network jargon
  • Argot
  • German Ruhr
  • Student language
  • Seemannssprache
  • Soldiers language
  • Sports jargon and group languages ​​in individual sports
  • Students Language ( historical up in the second half of the 19th century, today only remnants for special terms in fraternities use)
  • Administrative language
  • Language of science