Sodium sulfite

  • Sodium sulphite
  • E 221

A white, crystalline, odorless powder


2.63 g · cm -3

Decomposition above 500 ° C.

Slightly soluble in water ( 220 g · l-1 at 20 ° C)

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Sodium sulfite Na2SO3 (not to be confused with sodium sulfide Na2S ) is the sodium salt of sulfurous acid. The result is the introduction of sulfur dioxide in sodium hydroxide solution or by neutralization of sodium hydroxide with sulfur dioxide.


Sodium is a white to pale yellow, odorless, crystalline powder. It is hygroscopic and can be oxidized by oxygen to form sodium sulfate ( Na2SO4). Sodium sulfite is readily soluble in water, the solution is alkaline and has a reducing effect ( for example, potassium permanganate is decolorized ). It kills germs.


  • Sodium acts as a preservative and antioxidant for food ( additive number E221 ). As part of the so-called dumpling help it prevents the browning ( oxidation ) of potato. In the photographic industry is sodium sulfite anhydrous photo grade antioxidants developer solutions used. In the chemical and chemical-technical industry ( hypo ) is prepared from sodium sulfite to sulfur addition of sodium thiosulfate. In the chemical fiber and textile industry, it is used as a bleaching agent and the destruction of active chlorine. It is also aids in water treatment because it acts as a protection against corrosion by oxygen deprivation and is used to remove chlorine from industrial waters. In the rubber and pulp industry, it contributes to improving the quality of products. It is also an intermediate product for the production of sodium dithionite.
  • It is offered as an agent against bacterial or algae growth in water beds.
  • It is an antidote for poisoning with nicotine.
  • It is used along with sodium as the active ingredient in the ink eraser and is a constituent of stain removers.