sola scriptura

The phrase sola scriptura (Latin for " by Scripture alone " ) refers to a theological principle of the Reformation and Reformation theology. According to the sola scriptura the message of salvation is sufficiently taught by the Bible and requires no addition of ecclesiastical traditions. This principle Lutheran orthodoxy the scriptural principle developed in connection to the Lutheran Confessions.

  • 4.1 sources
  • 4.2 Secondary Literature

Origin of the expression

The phrase " sola scriptura " goes back to Martin Luther's formulation that Scripture alone was queen, which he used in his defense Assertio ( "Freedom Declaration") of 1520 issued by Leo X against the bull threatening excommunication. The other three " Solae " go back to Martin Luther.

Sola scriptura and interpretation of Scripture

Luther's approach

Luther tried by the " sola scriptura " a reliable, unchanging standard in theological dispute with the Roman Catholic Church to find, as there are human judgments have been shown repeatedly to be false in the course of church history.

So it has come in the late Middle Ages through the use of the fourfold sense of scripture to an enormous variety of interpretations of scripture. Thus, customs and teachings were founded, which would have completely removed from the biblical witness ( for example, the business-like indulgences ). This condition would counteract Luther.

The requirement of " sola scriptura " should by no means to express that only the exact wording of the Scriptures for the life of a Christian is decisive, as was formulated in modern times as a program of Christian fundamentalism. Rather, it came to the question of who interprets the font right. After the presentation of Luther this could happen even only through the Scriptures, because they are " credible by itself, clearly and its own interpreter " was. Nor should the document be sacralized Bible, but the word of God contained in it are constantly being new to the language ( viva vox are ). In this process, man is merely passive - he may receive the manipulable word.

Thus, this unavailability not turn leads to the arbitrariness of interpretation of Scripture, Luther stressed the " center of the font ." This center lies in the message of Christ, which is thus the inner scale of Scripture. From here it is possible to criticize ecclesiastical decisions and even the individual writings of the Bible - depending on whether they are " Christ treyben ", ie the gospel out to the faithful or not.

Clarity of Scripture

Against this doctrine was of the Roman Catholic and humanistic side, in particular, argued by Erasmus of Rotterdam, the font always need an external interpretation because, " dark " places is full of incomprehensible. Luther proclaimed to this, the clarity of Scripture ( " claritas scripturae "). Even in a "double clear " the contents of presenting the Bible: the outer clarity of the text ( " claritas externa " ) is confirmed by the inner clarity ( " claritas international " ), which the Holy Spirit in the heart of the listener, or reader, am working.

Roman Catholic Answer

The Roman Catholic Church responded to the Council of Trent (1545-1563) with a clarification of their doctrine of Scripture. In the fourth Sessio ( 1546), a decree was passed, therefore, not to find God's truth in Scripture alone, but in the connection between Scripture and tradition was ( Jn 16:13 EU). In order for the right interpretation of the Bible was strengthened by the Church's Magisterium, as only then the Holy Spirit could be considered safe ( Jn 14:26 EU). The Bible itself Achieve their authority only through the Church, which is also older than the Bible is yes. The Church's Magisterium has the canon of the Bible set, which also show the authority of the church about the Bible.

Eastern Orthodox view

The Eastern Churches see neither a conflict nor a juxtaposition of Scripture and tradition, but summarize the script on itself as the core of the tradition of the Church. Therefore, the Western discussions of the value of the tradition of them are sometimes difficult to understand.

Effect story

Against the Roman Catholic doctrine formulated Lutheran orthodoxy in the Formula of Concord (1577 ) his position. Thus in the Epitome that ( " sola sacra scriptura iudex, norma et regula " ) be " Holy Scripture alone, the uniting judge, rule and guide " and " touchstone " ( " Lydius lapis " ) for all church teachings and traditions could. The script has since been referred to as " norma normans " ( standard -creating standard). In contrast, one called the ecclesiastical confessions "normal normata " (normalized standard), because they derived from scriptures.

Based on the formulations of the confessional writings, and especially Luther's designation of the font as " primum principium " Lutheran orthodoxy in the 17th century worked from the principle of Scripture. By the Aristotelian category of principle, the Bible has been written as an unquestionable axiom of Lutheran theology. The doctrine of the verbal inspiration of Scripture has been developed in this context.

Due to the historical-critical biblical scholarship, there was a shock this dogmatic basis. We speak of since the "crisis of the Scripture principle."
