Solo garlic

Solo garlic or Einzehenknoblauch is the trade name for garlic, which consists of a single bulb without individual toes. Common trade names are also mono garlic, garlic Knoll, Japanese or Chinese garlic garlic - the latter to be confused with Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) may result. Similarly, the solo garlic is also sometimes confused because of the size of the bulb with elephant garlic, a variety of the species Allium ampeloprasum ( Ackerl Even / summer garlic). However, the size of the Einzehenknoblauchs between approximately 25 to 50 mm, while the elephant garlic develops sizes of 60 mm and reaches more as well as a full-grown onion from several toes.


The Chinese province of Yunnan is often associated with Einzehenknoblauch, the plant is also grown in other regions of the world, as it has been found especially for the preparation of food international distribution.


Considered as a special differences from the mehrzehigen garlic in Europe more widely:

  • Easier peeling and cutting
  • Milder in flavor
  • Less pronounced body odor after eating