solus Christus

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The formula solus Christus summarizes a theological principle of the Reformation and Reformation theology together. This principle is that Jesus Christ is the sole mediator of salvation (1 Tim 2:5-6 EU and others) is. He alone had obtained through his self-sacrifice on the cross, the salvation of sinful and separated from God and therefore doomed people. This Reformation principle plays in dealing with the Roman church ( saints and Marian devotion, cooperation of the people in the saving work of God) a major role in the further exploration of fashion trends, with biblical criticism and fundamentalism.

Even after the Roman Catholic understanding of the sacrifice of Christ is alone the cause of all salvation, but so that the participation of people not excluded, but also enables and empowers is.

Relation to the other " Soli"

In addition to the solus Christus ( " Christ alone " ) are in the Reformation churches the principles sola scriptura (Latin for " by Scripture alone " ), sola fide (Latin for " by faith alone " ) and sola gratia (Latin for " from alone grace ").


Sola scriptura | sola fide | sola gratia | solus Christus

"Just by the magazine" | "Just by faith " | "Just by grace " | " Christ alone "

  • Christian theology