Sonchus arvensis

Flower of the field - Sowthistle

The field - sow-thistle ( Sonchus arvensis ) is a perennial plant of the sunflower family ( Asteraceae).


The perennial herbaceous plant that contains a milky sap reaches stature heights between 50 and 150 cm. It has a creeping rhizome ( Wurzelkriech pioneer plant). The stem is branched only in the region of the inflorescence. The stem leaves are glossy green, heart-shaped at the base rounded, deeply divided into triangular lobes to schrotsägeförmig - pinnatifid. The upper leaves with rounded, pressed- ears.

The golden-yellow flower heads in loose corymbs and are 4 to 5 inches tall. The shell and peduncles are densely yellow- drüsenborstig. The fruit is dark brown and on both sides with five longitudinal ribs. Blooms from July to October.


This species is worldwide in the temperate zone, and spread almost all over Europe. As the site preferably the Ruderalpflanze roadsides, gardens, vineyards and fields, but also sand dunes and salt marshes. In the Alps, the species is to be found up to 1500 m above sea level. In general, the field - sow-thistle is a little salt ertragend and is considered Lehmzeiger.


The field - sow-thistle is a plant stem or root buds - Geophyt with far-reaching streamer -like roots which reach 1-2 m deep.

The leaves are like a compass placed in strong sunlight: The faces East / West and the edges to North / South.

The involucre and the basket handles are fitted with eye-catching yellow, stalked glands, which may serve to prevent evaporation, but certainly rise as protection against unwanted visitors. The flowers are only open in the morning and are pollinated by bees and butterflies.

For a mechanical removal of the rhizome arise from each section remaining in the soil new plants; Therefore, the plant is considered difficult to be attacked Beikraut.


The arable Gänseldistel was first published in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus in Species Plantarum. The species is divided into many sub-species, which seems to be at an even Halophilie.

In Germany and Austria the following sub- types are used:

  • Ordinary arable sow thistle ( Sonchus arvensis L. subsp. Arvensis)
  • Glands lots arable sow thistle ( Sonchus arvensis subsp. Uliginosus ( M.Bieb. ) Nyman )


  • Inflorescence

Arable Sowthistle

Arable sow thistle and beach grass
