Song of General Kim Il-sung

The Song of General Kim Il-sung is a hymn to Kim Il-sung, the founder of the state of North Korea who died in 1994. It is also called " immortal hymn of the revolution."


In May 1946, after the independence of Korea from Japan, had been actively involved in the Kim Il-sung, visited the former anti-Japanese fighters Kim Ch'aek his wife Kim Jong -suk, who had also fought against the Japanese. In this case, the following dialogue is said to have taken place:

" I have come to you to discuss an urgent matter with you ', Kim Chaek said, taking a wallet out of the thick bundle of letters. The letters were written with a brush, pen or pencil, and of various kinds, but they had to write the unanimous desire of the entire Korean people to the content, a Song of General Kim Il Sung and compose. [ ... ] Kim Jong Suk said, A song for him would have to be brought about. A now -creating song should praise the merits of Kim Il Sung and his so classic that it is the people sing for ever from generation to generation. "

In the same year a text was written by the poet Li Chan, the melody was composed by the composer to Wŏn'gyun Kim, who also created the theme song for the North Korean national anthem Ach'imŭn pinnara.

The song in North Korea

In North Korea, the song is well known and widespread. The state propaganda uses it as an instrument of the cult of personality surrounding Kim Il-sung. Verses of the song are to be read at the Arc de Triomphe in Pyongyang.

On 11 April 2011 the Austrian conductor Wolf Dieter Maurer led the National Symphony Orchestra of North Korea, who played the song of Kim Il-sung for the 99th birthday.


「 장백산 줄기 줄기 피 어린 자욱 압록강 굽이 굽이 피 어린 자욱 오늘도 자유 조선 꽃다발 우에 력 력히 비쳐 주는 거룩한 자욱 ( 후렴 ) 아 - 그 이름 도 그리운 우리 의 장군 아 - 그 이름 도 빛나는 김일성 장군 만주 벌 눈바람 아 이야기 하라 밀림 의 긴긴 밤아 이야기 하라 만고 의 빨찌 산이 누구 인가 를 절세 의 애국자 가 누구 인가 를 ( 후렴 ) 로동자 대중 에겐 해방 의 은인 민주 의 새 조선 엔 위대한 태양 20 개 정강우 에 모두 다 뭉쳐 북조선 방방곡곡 새봄 이 온다 ( 후렴 ) 」

" Red flowed the blood, blood flowed down from the mountains Jangbaek, also the Amnokwasser as red, blood red it flowed away. Flowers bloom today flowers as red as blood, Flowers in free country, Korea has many advantages: Hot longed for the General, the word world- known old and young, today announces all its glory this song: Kim Il Sung! Say, wild storm, tell Manchuria, tell snow and ice tell, tell me you tell Impenetrable Forest, whom you give the award? Who is the greatest partisan hero? Who has set up home proud banner? Hot longed for the General, the word world- known old and young, today announces all its glory this song: Kim Il Sung! He led the workers into the freedom bright as the morning sun beam warms us all be apparent. One, united firmly in the twenty points program Korea over the bright spring sun shines: Hot longed for the General, the word world- known old and young, today announces all its glory this song: Kim Il Sung! "
