Sore throat

Neck pain is a frequent symptom of pathological changes in the throat, mouth and throat. Up to 5% of patients at the pediatrician complaining of neck pain, two patients per week on average in a general medical practice treated for neck pain. The most important step is the distinction between an antibiotic for treating bacterial disease from other causes.

The pain in the context of inflammation results in a release of pain mediators ( prostaglandin E2, prostaglandin I2, bradykinin and other kinins ) and cytokines (tumor necrosis factor ), which are released by activation of immune cells (see inflammation). Other causes of pain generation see pain generation.

Sore throat without pharyngitis

In Kopf-/Hals-Bereich also otitis, sinusitis, salivary gland infections, dental disorders, thyroiditis, neck muscle spasms, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, retropharyngeal abscess, epiglottitis, or swollen neck lymph nodes may be the cause of the complaints. Also mediastinal disorders can cause sore throat, for example: Angina pectoris, thoracic aortic aneurysm, mediastinitis, pneumomediastinum and esophagitis. Also, systemic diseases such as leukemia, agranulocytosis, rubella, mycoplasma pneumonia can be a cause.

Causes of pharyngitis

Often the cause of sore throat is an inflamed throat ( pharyngitis). The inflammation may be caused by bacteria, viruses, other pathogens or physical noxae. Common causes include streptococcal group A, Epstein -Barr virus and tobacco. The strep throat is found mainly in children aged 5 to 15 years, the infection is via a droplet infection. After the incubation period of 2 to 4 days caused a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, usually in combination with a temperature over 38 ° C and a swelling of the neck lymph nodes. In Symptmen a common cold, such as cough, colds and hoarseness may be more likely to assume a viral cause.

Other meanings

If an officer of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War, necessarily ( worn around the neck ) wanted to earn the Knight's Cross, and therefore at the expense of the troops led by him particularly risky enterprises commanded he suffered in the military jargon in " sore throat ".
