Sorrel (horse)

The fox is a horse with a brownish, reddish or yellowish fur and usually the same color, sometimes lighter long hair.

  • 3.1 foxes with lighter Long Hair: Light Chestnut
  • 3.2 Dunkelere foxes


The chestnut color is an obvious example of the fox - by which we usually understand the red fox - derived. This is called by the name of the male fox of Middle High German vuhs derived. Synonymous following are hereby related words. Fuhs Old High German, Dutch vos and English fox. The female form of the word changed from Old High German Middle High German Voha vohe, gothic faúho and Old Icelandic foa. The word vixen in the hunter language for the vixen is derived from this female form. 11

Foxes with black long hair

The fox wearing brownish, reddish or yellowish fur and usually the same color, but also brighter long hair. The hooves are dark, eyes dark to light brown. The fox comes in many different shades: Light chestnut, copper fox, red fox, chestnut, liver chestnut and chestnut. A distinction is made according to the brightness or Dunkelkeit of the coat.


For the chestnut color a mutation in the MC1R gene ( Extension locus) is responsible. The color is inherited recessive, that is, a horse only becomes a fox, if it has the mutated gene on both alleles. 1 9 10

In addition, the Fuchsgen is epistatic over the agouti locus, which determines whether a horse is a stallion or brown. That is, a horse with two fox is always a fox genes, regardless of whether it would be without this gene is a black stallion or brown. 7

The brightness of the chestnut color is influenced by the underlying gene for brown or black color. There are four different gene variants on the agouti locus. At least Black has the brown with the Wildttyp - brown gene, followed by the normal brown, then black brown and finally black stallion. Accordingly, the chestnut color of the fox with the wild-type brown gene to the gene with the Rapp getting darker. 4 5 6

The relationship between chestnut color and zugrundeliegernder brown or black color can be thought of like this:

The Extension locus is located on the same chromosome as cKit, its mutations for the Dominant white color, Stichelhaarigkeit that Tobianoscheckung and Sabinoscheckung are responsible in the horse. Therefore, the assessment of chestnut color is inherited often coupled with one of these investments.

Other influences on the chestnut color

Foxes with lighter Long Hair: Light Chestnut

Light foxes, foxes so with lighter long hair get this color by the gene Flaxen. Similarly, dark and Isabel Brown can look to the Windfarbgen.

Dunkelere foxes

The gene Smutty (also Sooty ) can obscure the chestnut color even further, so that foxes can develop, which almost look like black horses.

Possible confusion

Horses but the foxes are genetically not able to look are:

  • Smoky Black
  • Rapp wind -colored and brown colored horses Wind