
Sorsk (Russian Сорск ) is a city in the Republic of Khakassia (Russia) with 12,143 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ).


The city is located in the eastern foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau ( Batenjowrücken / Батенёвский кряж ), about 100 km north-west of the Republic capital Abakan. The climate is continental.

The city is Sorsk the Republic administratively subordinated directly.

Sorsk located 6 km from the station Erbinskaja the completed in the 1920s railway Atschinsk - Abakan away.


1937 ( Сора, also Соря / Zorya ) was discovered a Molybdänerzlagerstätte on the River Sora, their degradation began a little later. In 1940, in this context, the Bergarbeitersiedlung Dzerzhinsky ( named after the Soviet intelligence officer Felix Dzerzhinsky ). In 1966, the place under the present, derived from the name of the river, name of a town.


Note: Census data


The molybdenum and Kupfererzförderung and production of concentrates these metals determine the city's economy. Also, there is construction in the form of a brick plant.
