South Point (Wilsons Promontory)

South Point (English for South Point ) is the southernmost point of the Australian mainland and is located on the peninsula Wilsons Promontory Wilsons Promontory National Park, in South Gippsland Shire ( State of Victoria ). A variety of islands belonging to Australia, however, lies further south than South Point, led Tasmania to the southernmost point of the southeast (about 499 km further south ), but in addition a number of smaller and more remote islands from the mainland. The southernmost island in Australian territory is the Macquarie Island (coordinates: 54 ° 30 ' S, 158 ° 57 ' E), further to the south is not only considerably further to the east, but also 1735 km as South Point.

- 39.136708333333146.37418611111Koordinaten: 39 ° 8 ' 12 " S, 146 ° 22' 27" E

  • Geography (Victoria)