Southern Cameroons National Council

The National Südkameruns (English Southern Cameroons National Council, French Conseil national du Cameroun du Sud, short SCNC ) is a non-violent secessionist organization, which campaigns for self-determination and after the independence of Anglophone Südkameruns ( Ambazonien, former British Cameroon) from the French-speaking the Republic of Cameroon (La République de Cameroun ) sought.


In 1999, the National Council Südkameruns declared the independence of Ambazonien. 1999 and 2000 there were demonstrations and riots of the secessionists. In 2001, a group of exiled members of the National Council of southern Cameroon formed a so-called " message Südkameruns " in the German city of Frankfurt. The leader of the group asked for a German military intervention with its reasoning that " Germany is the country know well ."

Since 2004, the National Council is representative of South Cameroon member of the Organization Unrepresented Nations and Peoples.

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The National Council of Southern Cameroon is a non-violent organization and its motto is: ". The force of the argument, not the argument of force " The current chairman is the chief Ayamba Ette Otun. Since the National Südkameruns justifies the secession from Francophone Cameroon, it was declared by the Government of Paul Biya to an illegal organization. Security forces interrupt regular meetings of the National Council of Southern Cameroon and arresting members. They are typically taken several days in custody.
