Southern common cuscus

Phalanger mimicus (English name: "Southern Common couscous ") is a climbing Beutler from the kind of couscous ( Phalanger ), which is located in the south of New Guinea and Cape York Peninsula in north-eastern Australia.

In New Guinea, the range of the species extends from the river Mimika on the Mount Bosavi to the river Orioma; perhaps the population of the Aru Islands is also one of P. mimicus.

In Australia, the species occurs from the Mccllwraith Range up to Iron Range in rain and acacia forests before. This type was formerly considered a subspecies of the gray cuscus ( Phalanger orientalis ) followed by P. intercastellanus. From the way some scientists earlier in the genre of Bodenkuskus ( Strigocuscus ) was provided.

The top of the body is gray-brown with a black center stripe on the back, the underside is white. In some specimens the abdomen is also gray-brown. The prehensile tail has at its roots the same color as the top, the rest of the tail is naked and dark brown. The pink ears are short and round. The head-body length ( the Australian subspecies ) 330-400 mm, tail length 280 to 350 mm and weight 1500 to 2200 grams.

The couscous is a maverick, nocturnal animal. During the day he stays in a tree hollow. At night, he moves on in search of food through the long foliage. Its diet consists of leaves, fruits and flowers.
