Southern Delta Aquariids

The July Aquariiden or (southern ) Delta Aquariiden are a medium- strong swarm of shooting stars, the meteors occur every year July 25 to August 10 ( according to other sources from July 14 to August 18 ). They seem to come from the constellation Aquarius ( Aquarius ) and are - in contrast to the simultaneously occurring, known Perseids - not originating from a comet, but a meteor stream ecliptic.

Our second name refers to the close location of radians ( Vanishing Point ) starting star delta Aquarii. It has approximately the celestial coordinates RA = 343 °, δ = -17 °. Beginning of May there is a meteor stream with approximately the same direction of origin, the May Aquariiden.

A closer look at Delta Aquariiden is to distinguish between southern and northern. The former have their maximum on 29 July, temptation occur from mid- July to early September with a maximum around the 13th August.

  • Meteor Shower