Southern Yatsugatake Volcanic Group


The mountains seen Akadake and Amidadake from Gongendake from

Yatsugatake (Japanese八ヶ岳) is a volcanic mountain massive in Japan, which extends across the prefectures of Nagano and Yamanashi.

Sometimes the massif in a southern is (南 八ヶ岳, Minami- Yatsugatake ) and a northern section (北 八ヶ岳, Kita- Yatugatake ) divided, with the Natsusawa Pass (夏 沢 峠, Natsusawa - tōge ) forms the border. Since 2007, it is one of the " 100 Famous Mountains of Japan" (日本 百名 山, Nihon hyaku Meizan ).

Important mountains and mountain passes

South Yatsugatake

  • Amigasa -yama (编 笠 山) - 2524 m
  • Nishi- dake (西岳) - 2398 m
  • Mitsukashira (三ッ頭) - 2580m
  • Gongs -dake (権 现 岳) - 2715 m
  • Aka -dake (赤 岳) - 2899 m
  • Naka -dake (中岳) - 2700 m
  • Amida -dake (阿 弥陀 岳) - 2805 m
  • Yoko -dake (横 岳) - 2829 m
  • Iō -dake (硫黄 岳) - 2760 m
  • Akaiwa no Atama (赤岩 の 頭) - 2656 m
  • Mine no Matsume (峰の松目) - 2567 m
  • Natsusawa - tōge (夏 沢 峠) - border between South and North Yatsugatake

North Yatsugatake

  • Neishi -dake (根 石 岳) - 2603 m
  • Tengu -dake (天狗 岳) - 2646m
  • Naka -yama (中山) - 2496 m
  • Maru -yama (丸山) - 2330 m
  • Mugikusa - tōge (麦草 峠) - 2127 m
  • Chausu -yama (茶 臼 山) - 2384 m
  • Shimagare -yama (缟 枯 山) - 2403 m
  • Kitayoko -dake (北 横 岳(横 岳) ) - 2480 m
  • Ō -take (大 岳) - 2381 m
  • Futago -yama (双子 山) - 2224 m
  • Ogawara - tōge (大河原 峠) - 2093 m
  • Tateshina- yama (蓼 科 山) - 2530 m
  • Yashi -ga- mine (八子ヶ峰) - 1833 m


There are different interpretations as to the origin of the name of " Yatsugatake ". The character八in Japanese means "8". 岳(take or dake ) means " a great mountain ". This is the literal translation: "Eight big mountains ". Can八however transmitting also "a lot" mean, so Yastugatake can also be understood as " many mountains ".

On the origin of the mountain there is a myth or a folk etymology according to which in times past fought a mountain with the Fuji (富士山) about its size. In the course of this dispute, it turned out that the mountain was larger than the Fuji. Since the Fuji terribly angry and struck the head of the mountain. The mountain broke out in eight mountains. This is the name the mountain range " Yatsugatake ".
