Space blanket

An emergency blanket is a film that is used in first aid to protect people crashed against hypothermia, moisture or wind. She is in Germany a prescribed part of the first aid kit in motor vehicles. It comes originally from aerospace (space blanket ).


In the simple version ( MPET ) are two firmly connected layers:

This results in a silver (aluminum) and a gold-colored side ( the metallic gleam of the aluminum by the yellowish film). In order to understand the structure of the aluminum layer are removed in a solution of sodium carbonate; the film is transparent.

The metallic coating can also be done on both sides ( metal - PET - metal, both sides then shimmer silver). Also, the plastic layer may be provided on both sides (PET PET -metal, and then both sides shimmer gold ) to prevent abrasion of the metal coating.

Use by first responders

To obtain heat by thermal radiation of the person you should turn the silver side of the person and the person completely wrap it in the blanket, so that only the face remains free. Thus, the emergency blanket can fulfill its function, it should not narrow rest. Through clothing or loose laying on a cushion of air must be maintained, which ensures a good insulation. The best insulating effect arises only in conjunction with all-round upholstery stagnant air between the body and environment around around through clothing, blankets, foam, air mattress. Is not insignificant that the emergency blanket as close as possible including by knotting and gluing and flutters not too much. In ice and snow, the gold - colored side of the foil is easier to see and is also commonly understood as a cry for help.

In warm weather, it can sometimes be useful to protect a person from overheating by shielding them against heat radiation ( IR sunlight). In this case, you should turn the silver - colored side out and span the emergency blanket sunscreen sail -like, but the person does not wrap.

The rule: Cold protection: silver side facing inward, sun protection: silver side out, is specified by manufacturers. However, the difference in the IR reflection is negligible, according to studies and should only can make a difference of 1 ° C, with the silver - colored side to 99% and the gold - colored page is to reflect 97% of infrared heat.

The effect of the rescue sheet is based on reduction of heat transport by

In general, metallic, highly polished, smooth surfaces, the heat radiation (infrared ) reflect particularly well. In emergency blankets using a thin layer of aluminum.

Others use

Because of their versatility emergency blankets are also often misused. In the model it can be used for covering wings or when camping for covering of tents and vehicles in order to reduce heating of the interior. Even kite can tinker from a rescue blanket. In photography, emergency blankets are sometimes used for the construction of reflectors. An emergency blanket must not be used as a fire blanket, because she herself is readily combustible. Use as shade or as a screen is possible. Even the carriage of a rescue blanket for hikers with regard to possible weather falls in the mountains is recommended. In poorly insulated rooms, the attachment of rescue blankets to the walls as an IR reflector radiation losses, but not reduce conduction or convection losses and thus improve the indoor climate.
