Spanish omelette

Tortilla [ tɔrtiʎa ] denotes a Spanish omelette. The Tortilla Española - even tortilla de patatas - (potato omelette ) is a from egg, potatoes and onions in a pan fried with oil circular omelette. The Spanish tortilla is not to be confused with the Mexican flatbread.

The wide dissemination of this dish in Spain and the ease of preparation, the Tortilla Española can be regarded as a Spanish national dish next to the paella and gazpacho. While the paella is spread mainly because it is expected by tourists as a national dish (but actually a valenzianisches court ), the tortilla is known to locals throughout Spain and is produced in various versions with all kinds of vegetables. As a convenience food packaged tortilla in different variations is therefore available in any supermarket.

The tortilla is referred to as tortilla Española, when it comes to distinguish them from the tortilla Francesa containing no potatoes.

The tortilla can be varied by adding different ingredients (vegetables, fish, sausages ... ). The original recipe of tortilla de patatas used exclusively potatoes, eggs, olive oil and salt. This great- tortilla is often confused with the popular Madrid variation. The latter also contains onions or garlic and is nowadays the most well-known variation. In Catalonia, the tortilla is always added plenty of garlic.

Origin / origin

The origin of the tortilla is not precisely known. It is already documented in the early 17th century in the notebooks of Francisco Martínez Montiño and was first called Tortilla de cartuja. This variation was invented by Carthusian monks cooked with cream. Another variation from the recipe collection of Montiño is the tortilla de agua. Here, a few drops of water coming into the pan after the oil was drained and before the eggs are stirred. This formula is considered as the origin of today in Spain as a French designated tortilla ( tortilla francesa ).

Legend has it that the tortilla de patatas was invented in the 19th century during the Carlist Wars from a farmer's wife in Navarre. In the yard of the General Zumalacárregui was housed and the farmer's wife had the military to prepare a meal, but had except potatoes, eggs and onions no other food available. In this emergency situation, she prepared the General, the first tortilla de patatas.

In fact, the tortilla de patatas is described for the first time in 1817 in connection with the province of Navarra in an anonymous letter to the Spanish Parliament, in which reports on the poor living conditions of Navarre farmers.

Examples of tortilla variations

  • Tortilla de ajetes: with garlic and leek (Spanish ajetes, ajos tiernos or brotes de ajo ) prepared
  • Tortilla de atún (tuna tortilla ) made ​​with tuna
  • Tortilla de caracol: Prepared with worm
  • Tortilla de champiñones ( mushroom quesadilla ): Prepared with mushrooms
  • Tortilla de chorizo ​​: with Spanish chorizo ​​sausage ( chorizo ​​)
  • Tortilla de espárragos (asparagus tortilla ): with (preferably ) green asparagus cooked
  • Tortilla de espinacas: with steamed spinach
  • Tortilla de mariscos: seafood

Find out more

In colloquial Spanish is tortillera ( lit.: Omelet - Braterin ) a less heavy, humorous insult word for a lesbian.

It is quite common to impose a Bocadillo in Spain (Spanish sandwich of a baguette ) with a tortilla.
