
As a spermatocele from the epididymis is called a ( rare from the spermatic cord ) outgoing retention cyst, ie formed by a obstruction cystic expansion, which is filled with protein-rich fluid and spermienhaltiger. In general, the Spermatocele at the top pole of the testis is localized and can be palpated at the beginning from the outside as a pinhead large nodules. If left untreated, it can grow to grapefruit size or more years.

From lay the spermatocele is often confused with a testicular tumor. In principle, only the doctor make a clear diagnosis, and may exclude a possible testicular tumor or epididymal tumor. Thus, once a urologist should be consulted each time it detects the testicle thickening.


The spermatocele is usually a result of trauma or inflammation of the epididymis ( epididymitis ), but may also be congenital. It occurs in 80% of all men, is at most only of small size or not even noticeable. In 5 % of all men this expansion is pathological and much larger. It can be used on both sides as well as one-sided encounter.


Asymptomatic Spermatozelen require no treatment. In the early stages is not recommended due to the risk of more surgery. Treatment indicated if increase in size, pain and feeling of pressure. This depends on the specific stage of development. Surgical access gives a deep Inguinalschnitt or scrotal. Complications of surgery include bleeding, Skrotalhämatom, lymphedema, swelling, wound infection, infection of the testis and epididymis, further sterility and Rezidivität, with sterility usually can not be avoided.
