Spined loach


The loach ( Cobitis taenia, also called Dorngrundel ) is a common freshwater fish in Europe and Asia. It is protected under Annex II of the Habitats Directive.


Wolffish reach a length of 8 to 10 cm, females occasionally also to 12 cm. The weight is 20 to 60 g The back has a yellow-brown interrupted by many small dark spots coloration. On the ventral side the scales are pale yellow to orange. The ridge located on the back has several rows black gray spots. The body is elongated. At the mouth of the wolf fish has six barbels. Under the eyes there is ever a bicuspid, actively moving mandrel, with which he can inflict painful stings.


The loach is in Siberia and Europe, spreading with the exception of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and northern Scandinavia. There are limited regionally occurring subspecies.

Way of life

It is preferred to slow-flowing streams, rivers and standing waters with clean oxygen- rich water. Wolffish arrive there flat and sandy or rocky places before, often in large numbers. They burrow into the ground, which then protrude only head and tail. The foraging occurs at night. For this, the sand in search of small animals and organic material is chewed. The sand is expelled through the gills. For the survival of the fish, it is important that the ground surrounded regularly.

Wolffish have the possibility of intestinal accessory breathing. At the water surface Swallowed air is deprived of oxygen in the rectum. The spent air is excreted through the anus. The bridging oxygen deficient times easier for the loach so.

The wolffish reached the age of 3 to 5 years. As a maximum in captivity 10 years are given.


The spawning season is from April to June. Of the females are 300-1500 eggs near the ground, placed on rocks, roots or plants in several portions and then inseminated by the males. The larvae hatch after 4-6 days. As the only native species to loach females can reproduce asexually by parthenogenesis: Your ova share automatically on new fish, mother and daughter resemble each other genetically as twins. But that can only " hybrid females " that have arisen as a hybrid of two types (see the mule ).

Hunting and

The wolf fish is kept in the aquarium hobby in a so-called cold-water aquarium. The water temperature should in 14 to 18 degrees Celsius. The pH value at which these fish feel, is between 5.5 and 6.5.

The ground in the aquarium should consist of fine material, so that the fish do not damage the sensitive barbels. The fish are nocturnal and need live food. Frozen food is also eaten occasionally. Dry flake food, however, is not suitable for feeding the fish.

Legal protection status

  • Habitats Directive