Spirometra erinacei-europaei

Spirometra erinacei - European is a representative of tapeworms, which is common in the Mediterranean. He is up to 75 cm long and 8 mm wide. The scolex is spoon - shaped finger up. The mature tapeworm segments are elongate with simple located on the underside genital pores. The uterus has five rosette-like turns and is located in the center of the tapeworm member. Its opening is located behind the genital pore.

S. erinacei - European parasite in the small intestine of predators. The first intermediate hosts are copepods, in which forms the Procercoid. The second intermediate host act frogs, birds and snakes. In them the Plerozerkoid forms. Can between the chain of infection for definitive hosts transport hosts such as humans, pigs and hedgehogs be inserted in which the infectious second larval stage as so-called Sparganum in the muscles nests ( Sparganosis ). Therefore, the tapeworm is one of the zoonotic agents.
