Spite house

Neidbau is an obsolete legal term for a building that is not built exclusively in their own interests, but above all, to harass a neighbor or to inflict a disadvantage. The term " neydpau " appears in writing in 1489 in the city of Munich right. Even the municipal law of Hamburg ( 1603), the building codes of Ulm (1683 ) and Augsburg (1740 ) know the Neidbau. The establishment of a Neidbaues is referred to in the various jurisdictions as improper and thus be prohibited.

The Neidbau is still under Swiss law in relation to Article 2 II of the Civil Code ( " The manifest abuse of a right is not protected by law. " ) Art. Also the German Civil Code prohibits the harassment ban ( § 226, " The exercise of a right is inadmissible if it can only have the purpose to inflict other damage. " ) A Neidbau.
